
January 2001

7:34 PM 1/31/2001

  Three new icons. They are:
Bubbels VMU Icon
Cobra Blade VMU Icon
Simpsons - Bart VMU Icon

10:15 PM 1/20/2001

  The Make your own icons tutorial is up, so now you can make your own icons! The tutorial is in the custom icons section.

5:48 PM 1/19/2001

  I'm back! I have had my new computer for a week and the reason there hasn't been updates is because I have been real busy! I have school, work, and soccer practice. So I have decided to make a tutorial on how to make your own icons. I will have step by step on how I make them and I will include links to all the programs you will need. I will have it up in a few days!


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