
    Welcome to "DREAMCAST VMU ICONS"! Here you will find icons for your Dreamcast's VMU! If you don't know what VMU ICONS are then click the "about" option from the menu.


8:24 PM 2/10/2025

It's been a while since I've updated this site. All these years to create VMU icons, it's still a pain. So, I created a modern web-based VMU Icon Maker:

Also fixed the RE2 and XBOX Logo VMU Icon. Added eight new icons:
- Capcom Logo VMU Icon
- DreamConn+ VMU Icon
- Giga Wing 2 VMU Icon
- Mario Coin VMU Icon
- Meow Cat VMU Icon
- Modern Vintage Gamer VMU Icon
- Puyo Puyo Fever VMU Icon
- Sun Set 3D VMU Icon
- Youtube VMU Icon

8:24 PM 4/15/2019

   Wow, it has been over 18 years! I was able to partially recover this website thanks to's archive. Unfortunatly, all the VMU icon data files the Dreamcast uses for download were not backed up anywhere. I searched all over and even ripped apart several old computers in my attic but wasn't ever able to locate the originals.

   Luckily, from the SegaRetro archive I was able to recover the preview images for every icon I ever created. After a lot of work getting the Dreamcast back online and relearning a bit about VMU icon creation, I was able to rebuild every icon and make them available for download again via the many Dreamcast web browsers.

   Pretty much all the information on this website is outdated and unchanged, but all the icons are Dreamcast web browser downloadable. You can learn more or report issues over on my github repo. Enjoy.

6:24 PM 3/22/2001

  I had to take the icon request down because I have been so busy with school, work, and all kinds of stuff going on! So I might be making icons every once and awhile but I did not want to take the site down because I know there are people that still want all the icons here! If I start geting a lot of hits then I will start working on the site again! You can still make icons, because I left the Make your own icons tutorial up!

Old News

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